- acephalous
- 1. a зоол. ацефальный, безголовый2. a бот. неголовчатый3. a шутл. лишённый главы, руководителя4. a лишённый начала; без первой строки
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
Acephalous — A*ceph a*lous, a. [See {Acephal}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Headless. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) Without a distinct head; a term applied to bivalve mollusks. [1913 Webster] 3. (Bot.) Having the style spring from the base, instead of from the apex, as… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
acephalous — (adj.) headless, 1731, from Fr. acéphale + ous, or directly from L.L. acephalus, from Gk. akephalos, from a not + kephale head … Etymology dictionary
acephalous — [ā sef′ə ləs] adj. [LL acephalus < Gr akephalos < a , without + kephalē, head: see CEPHALIC] 1. Zool. having no part of the body differentiated as the head 2. having no leader … English World dictionary
acephalous — adjective /əˈsɛfələs/ a) Headless , A false or acephalous structure of sentence. b) Without a distinct head; a term applied to bivalve mollusks … Wiktionary
Acephalous line — An acephalous or headless line is a line in a poem which does not conform to its accepted metre, due to the first syllable s omission. Acephalous lines are usually deliberate variations in scansion, but this is not always obvious. Famous poems to … Wikipedia
Acephalous society — In anthropology, an acephalous society (from the Greek for headless ) is a society which lacks political leaders or hierarchies. Such groups are also known as egalitarian or non stratified societies.Typically these societies are small scale,… … Wikipedia
acephalous — adjective Etymology: Greek akephalos, from a + kephalē head more at cephalic Date: circa 1731 1. lacking a head or having the head reduced 2. lacking a governing head or chief … New Collegiate Dictionary
acephalous — adj. [Gr. a, without; kephale, head] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) Pertains to the absence of any structure comparable to a head, as in certain dipteran larvae; acephalic; see eucephalous, hemicephalous … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
acephalous — /ay sef euh leuhs/, adj. 1. Also, acephalic /ay seuh fal ik/. Zool. headless; lacking a distinct head. 2. without a leader or ruler. [1725 35; < Gk aképhalos; see A 6, CEPHALOUS] * * * … Universalium
acephalous — Headless. * * * aceph·a·lous ( )ā sef ə ləs, ə sef adj lacking a head or having the head reduced * * * aceph·a·lous (a sefґə ləs) headless … Medical dictionary
acephalous — (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) a. 1. headless 2. leaderless … English dictionary for students